★★★ Memorial Monday ★★★

LT Thomas Adams, USN '97 was lost on March 22, 2003 when the Sea King helicopter he was aboard crashed into another off the coast of Iraq. He had been an exchange officer with the Royal Navy's 849 Naval Air Squadron since October of 2002.

A native of Mount Helix, California, near San Diego, he graduated from Grossmont High School in 1993; he was a National Merit Scholar and valedictorian. He joined the Civil Air Patrol and celebrated his 18th birthday by skydiving.

His aunt remembered him: "He's one of these amazingly clean-cut, all-American kids. He's the kind of kid that if you had a daughter, you would hope that she could snag him. He was just amazingly bright, funny and kind."

Thomas was survived by his parents and his younger sister.

To Honor! ⚓,_LT,_USN