★★★ Memorial Monday ★★★
LT Charles Morrow '75, USN was lost on January 8, 1980 when the A-6 Intruder he was piloting crashed on the deck of USS Saratoga (CV 60), which was operating off the coast of Florida. The other man aboard, the commanding officer of Saratoga, was also killed.
From the Lucky Bag:
Chuck left Cleveland, a pretty girl, and an impressive grappling record to offer his mind, body, and soul to Navy. Collegiate wrestling proved too time consuming and interfered with the social life he has become known for. Being one of the three black sheep of the Systems Engineering Department, he never let academics cramp his style. Chuck's interpretation of the Reg Book made him the most popular Co. Sub-CDR in Naval Academy History. Chuck's over the-wall adventures compare to Houdini, Papillion, and Evel Knievel at their best. With an eye for women, a nose for a party, and more luck than an Irish Leprechaun, Chuck will be a valuable asset to the Naval Aviation Community.
Charles was survived by his father, brother, and four sisters.
To Honor! ⚓